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1. What if no one shows up to my Coffee Connection Meeting?

2. What if I am out of my league for answering the questions of the group?

3. What if you just don’t have the time to start a Coffee Connections group?

4. How do I make my Coffee Connections group produce money for my business and others’ attending?

5. How do I help others to see the value in attending my coffee connections?

6. How do we help the leaders of the Coffee Connection group to be on the same page?

7. Who should I invite?

Answer – It is great to make a list of people that you know. Could be friends, family, co-workers, strangers, people you want to partner with in business, etc. Once you have your list commit to bringing 1 or 2 more people to the next meeting you have. And challenge those who attend with you to do the same for the following meeting. This is the best and fastest way to grow your Coffee Connections.

8. What do I teach?

Answer – Coffee Connections is supported by Life Masteries Institute (LMI) and the full Legacy Partners network. Through these networks, you will have access to many resources to share with your group, to help everyone in any area of your life. Life Masteries has developed a Foundation Workbook that we have developed for your members, and has also developed a Leadership Manual for those who are leading. These workbooks will help guide you and bring value to your group. You are free to use the curriculum available, develop your own and/or do whatever brings your group the most value.

9. Where should I have the Coffee Connections?

Answer – The best strategy for choosing a location is to choose a place that is easily found or recognised, one that has room for a group to potential grow in, and has a good atmosphere for learning and discussing together as group. 

10. What time should I have my Coffee Connections at?

Answer – Most of the Coffee Connections that we support start in the morning hours before the regular work schedule of 8:00 am. But there is other Coffee Connections at different times of the day as well, and they are successful. I would analyse your schedule and your co-leaders schedule and choose a time that works the best for you all and then test drive that time a few weeks to see if other people can get involved.

11. Who is the program created by (individuals, corporation)?

Answer – Coffee Connections, www.MyCoffeeConnection.org is one of the programs that Legacy Partners has developed.

There are many individuals and business owners involved in a number of networks. The Legacy Partner Network have many people involved and many of those contribute in many ways. Mark Boersma, international Speaker and author and owner of Synergy Solutions, Inc. has contributed greatly to the network’s IP (Intellectual Property) which is shared graciously and openly throughout the network.

Coffee Connections, www.MyCoffeeConnection.org is a free program for business owners and community based leaders to come together to bring value to the community. There is no cost to participate in this program. Individuals who participate and gain value from their participation are encouraged to make a weekly contribution which helps to continue to expand the program around the world and to support the many great causes Legacy Partners and Life Masteries Institute are involved and supporting.

There are a large number of contributors, many of them have degrees in business, some are CPA’s, some are Presidents of very large international companies. Some have PhD’s in a number of areas of study. There are decades of experience from many different industries from all around the world. Individuals are encouraged to test things out themselves and view everything, if one wants from a critical eye. Most business owners and anyone who has taken statistics know that any study any statistics can prove anyone that those who are doing the study wants to prove.

Life Masteries Institute, Synergy Solutions, Legacy Partner Network and ActionVision names are used – what are their relationships to one another?

Legacy Partners was started by Life Masteries Institute which is a 501c3 non profit organization started by a number of business owners and community leaders in November 1998. These business owners and community based leaders saw that there was a large gap between businesses and community based organizations where they did not seem to know how to bring mutual benefit to one another. Life Masteries Institute and Legacy Partners brings a large number of resources, tools, systems and IP (Intellectual Property) to support businesses and community based organizations to better partner with one another for the benefit of local communities.

Synergy Solutions, Inc. is a Sub S corporation and was founded in 1990 by Mark Boersma. ActionVision is product / service developed by Synergy Solutions, Inc. Synergy Solutions, Inc. is one of the many businesses very actively involved with The Legacy Partner Network.
Tom Kunz and Mark Boersma co-authored a book “Community Business Partnerships” www.TheVisionProject.net/CBPbook.htm Tom is the past President of CENTURY 21, the largest real estate franchise in the world and Tom helped raise over 200 million dollars for Easter Seals.

12. What is it we are trying to accomplish with the meetings, what is the goal?

Answer – The goal is to assist each participant to learn how to solve their challenges / problems. Many individuals struggle with this as it seems that maybe people are a tad cynical at times. There is no expectation that leaders or people in the group sell anything. It would be nice . . . of course . . . for the Coffee Connection, if people do gain financial benefit that they would give something financially back as well. ???? For those individuals who have maybe never experienced anything given to them of massive value without expectation OR maybe they have never given something to someone else without expectation . . . well . . . we guess there is always a first time and that’s exciting to see people make breakthroughs together as a group and individually.

13. How do you get everyone’s biggest challenge and help them reach their goals?

Answer – We have the online version of the Action Card that you can use for newcomers and have them fill it out to get their information and biggest challenges. You can also ask for printable versions of the action card to be sent to you, so you can physically hand them a card and have each guest fill it out. We recommend doing this because of a few reasons:

1. You won’t know how to bring value to each person unless you know what their biggest challenges are.
2. Because Life Masteries is a non-profit organization, most of their resources are free or very affordable. So if you submit everyone’s biggest challenge to the network, we can support you by sending you the appropriate resource to help bring value to everyone!
To help your members reach their goals, we have established the curriculum that groups can use Totally up to you if you want to use it. Groups are free to develop their own curriculum if they wish and if they would like to share it with other groups as they have been shared with, that is always encouraged. This is often – The Foundation Workbook – that groups will get started. There are 12 topics to choose from. The 12 topics could be covered over a 12 week period of time or 12 months, whatever the leader believes is best for the group.

The first topic is “The Secret About Time.” Why? If you asked 100 people what their biggest challenge was, usually around 33 of those people will share a challenge with something having to do with time. Also if you can give your members / participants the gift of time, they will be forever grateful AND having more time usually helps almost every challenge / problem to be better.

There is also a strong focus on helping business owners earn more money? That seems to be one of the biggest challenges that most business owners have. If we help business owners in our community learn how to earn more money, that’s great for not only that business owner, but all their employees and the community as a whole.