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Frequency. . .
Quick Start. . 
Slow Stop      
Are we frustrated with ourselves or maybe others around us? This short video is getting rave reviews and being shared by many . . .

Frequency: Quick Start . . . Slow Stop

Are we frustrated with ourselves or maybe others around us? This short video is getting rave reviews and being shared by many. Watch this short video and then share it with everyone else you know. Very powerful!
Do we fill stuck at work, in relationships or really any area of our life? Do we feel that we or others around us have so much potential . . that just isn’t being fully realized? Once we understand our frequency and the frequencies of those around us, we start to see the pros and cons of frequencies we have and do not have and are able to change the chemistry we approach any situation with. Amazing results . . . and deep understanding of ourselves and others.

Poem . . .

Quick start, slow stop,
With confidence just go,
Meet changes head on,
Be disciplined in the flow.

Starting slow? Motion’s great!
Be slow to stop, and elevate.
Consistently, just follow through,
Complete the task, whatever you do.

Slow to start? Don’t quit fast.
With momentum, make it last.
Use your energy, so inertia begins.
However you attack a challenge,
It’s up to you where it ends.
Peace and Blessings,

Toni Bray